Among components, capacitors can be said to be components with complex types and specifications, especially in order to adapt to different circuits and different working environments, even capacitors with the same capacity and rated voltage have various types and material characteristics. s Choice. If a capacitor fails, the usual solution is to replace it with a new capacitor of the same size. But what if I can't find a capacitor of the same specification
VIEW MORE+Install the resistor in the specified position according to the diagram. The mark is required to be upward and the word direction is consistent. After installing the same specification, install another specification, and try to make the resistors as high and low as possible. After soldering, cut off the excess pins exposed on the surface of the printed circuit board.
VIEW MORE+In the field of electronics, especially in the field of PCBA, thermal conditions are critical to the life cycle, performance and function of the device. Environmental conditions often affect how designers lay out their components on a PCB.
VIEW MORE+The resistance in the circuit is represented by R and a number, such as R15 means a resistance of 15. The main functions of resistors in a circuit are shunt, current limit, voltage divider, bias, filter (used with capacitors) and resistor matching.
VIEW MORE+In fact, there are many parameters related to FETs, including DC parameters, AC parameters and limit parameters, but generally pay attention to the following main parameters:
VIEW MORE+There are two types of FETs: junction type and insulated gate type. The junction field effect transistor (JFET) gets its name because it has two PN junctions, and the insulated gate field effect transistor (JGFET) gets its name because the gate is completely insulated from other electrodes. At present, among the insulated gate type field effect transistors, the most widely used is MOS field effect transistor, referred to as MOS transistor (ie metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor MOSFET); in addition, there are PMOS, NMOS and VMOS power field effect transistors, etc.