In this case, the avalanche event produces a drain current that is larger where the electric field is stronger. The latch-up effect is caused by the parasitic NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) in the power MOSFET. If the device is constructed such that the electric field near the parasitic BJT is high, a large amount of current will flow through its base resistor, creating a voltage between the base and emitter. If this voltage reaches a certain threshold, the bipolar transistor turns on and most of the avalanche current flows through it, with potentially damaging effects since there is no way to control the current.
VIEW MORE+Under normal circumstances, MOS, which is commonly used for high-end driving, needs the gate voltage to be greater than the source voltage when it is turned on. When the MOS tube for high-end driving is turned on, the source voltage is the same as the drain voltage (VCC), so at this time the gate The pole voltage is 4V or 10V greater than VCC.
VIEW MORE+The switching characteristics of the IGBT power module are determined by its internal structure, internal parasitic capacitance and internal and external resistance. In an ideal state, we only need a zero-power voltage signal to be applied to the MOS base to activate the switch. But in practice, the charge stored in the capacitor inside the component must be released, so a driving power signal with the same switching frequency is required. In addition, the commutation process is also affected by parasitic inductance. Parasitic inductance exists in the port loop of the module and inside the module, as well as in the connection lines connecting the transistor chips.
VIEW MORE+When the frequency converter tractions the motor, the power factor of the motor is positive, the motor absorbs active energy, and the active energy is sent to the motor, and the power factor of the motor is positive.
VIEW MORE+This section describes the electrical characteristic parameters related to the mechanical structure of the IGBT module, including insulation withstand voltage, main terminal resistance, stray inductance, and DC voltage capability.
VIEW MORE+The power dissipation and rated current of the IGBT module are meaningless regardless of the temperature and thermal resistance of the IGBT module. Therefore, in order to compare the performance of different power devices, it is necessary to analyze their thermal characteristics. The heat generated by the power loss of the IGBT module will increase the junction temperature inside the device, thereby reducing the performance of the device and IGBT converter and shortening its life. It is very important to dissipate the heat generated from the chip junction to reduce the junction temperature. The transient thermal impedance Zthjc(t) describes the heat dissipation ability of the device. The thermal resistance Rth is defined as the value of the junction temperature rise relative to the temperature of the external specified point caused by the unit power consumption when the silicon chip consumes power and reaches thermal balance. It is a key factor to measure the heat dissipation capability of the IGBT.