IGBT is an insulated gate bipolar transistor. It is a composite fully controlled voltage-driven power semiconductor device composed of a bipolar transistor (BJT) and an insulated gate field effect transistor (MOSFET). It has both the high input impedance of MOSFET and GTR. two advantages of low turn-on voltage drop. In electronic circuits, IGBT is equivalent to a switch in electronic circuits, and is a semiconductor device driven by high power, high current and high withstand voltage.
VIEW MORE+Using the IGBT double-pulse test circuit and changing the position of the voltage and current measurement probes, the related parameters of the freewheeling diode (ie FRD) connected in parallel with the IGBT can be measured and evaluated.
VIEW MORE+Today, the editor mainly analyzes and expounds the driving application circuit of IGBT. Taking the hybrid integrated circuit EXB841 as an example, it is a typical driving circuit, which can not only drive up to 400A 600V IGBT and up to 300A 1200V IGBT, but also has more complete module functions. , with single power supply, positive and negative bias, overcurrent detection, protection, soft shutdown and other main features.
VIEW MORE+In the induction cooker, the IGBT is a component with a large share of damage. If the cause of the failure is not identified, the test machine will cause the IGBT to be damaged again.
VIEW MORE+IGBTs (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) are ideal for applications with bus voltages in the hundreds to thousands of volts. As minority carrier devices, IGBTs have better turn-on characteristics than MOSFETs in this voltage range, while having a gate structure very similar to MOSFETs for easy control. In addition, since there is no need for an integrated reverse diode, this gives manufacturers the flexibility to choose a fast "composite package" diode optimized for the application, as opposed to intrinsic MOSFET diodes, which have reverse recovery charge Qrr and reverse recovery The time trr increases as the rated voltage increases.
VIEW MORE+Recently, our company (hereinafter referred to as "Jian Semiconductor") has received great news. Following the completion of the PreA round of financing in December 2021, it has recently completed tens of millions of A round of financing. This round of financing was funded by Shandong Yida Venture Capital Fund Partnership. (Limited Partnership) (referred to as "Yida Capital") is an exclusive investment, and the financing funds will be mainly used to accelerate the research and development of power semiconductor chips, accelerate the construction of production lines and the formation of talent teams.