The MOS tube is a metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor, or metal-insulator-semiconductor. The source and drain of the MOS tube can be reversed, and they are all N-type regions formed in the P-type backgate. In most cases, these two regions are the same, even if the two ends are reversed, it will not affect the performance of the device. Such devices are considered symmetrical. The bipolar transistor amplifies the small change of the current at the input end and outputs a large current change at the output end. The gain of a bipolar transistor is defined as the ratio of output to input current. Another type of transistor, called a FET, converts changes in input voltage into changes in output current.
VIEW MORE+Today, we will analyze five aspects: the efficiency and temperature rise of the motor, the insulation strength of the motor, the harmonic electromagnetic noise and vibration, the adaptability of the motor to frequent starting and braking, and the cooling problem at low speed. We explain the influence of the frequency converter on the motor.
VIEW MORE+The inverter consists of main circuit, power circuit, IGBT drive and protection circuit, cooling fan and other parts. Its structure is mostly unitized or modular. Due to the incorrect use method or unreasonable setting environment, it will easily cause the inverter to malfunction and malfunction, or fail to meet the expected operating effect. In order to prevent problems before they occur, it is particularly important to carefully analyze the cause of the failure in advance.
VIEW MORE+The braking unit on the inverter refers to the occasions where the mechanical load is relatively heavy and the braking speed is required to be very fast, the regenerative electric energy generated by the motor is consumed by the braking resistor, or the regenerative electric energy is fed back to the power supply. system.
VIEW MORE+In the application site, the interference of the inverter occurs more and more seriously, and even the control system cannot be put into use. The working principle of the frequency converter is destined to generate strong electromagnetic interference.
VIEW MORE+MOS tubes and IGBT tubes are new electronic devices with high frequency of use in modern electronic equipment, so they are often encountered in electronic circuits and are accustomed to. However, due to the similarity in appearance and static parameters of MOS tube and IGBT tube, sometimes it is easy to travel in the selection, judgment, and use. The reliable identification method of MOS tube and IGBT tube is to clear the obstacles for selection, judgment and use.