IGBT is an insulated gate bipolar transistor. It is a composite fully controlled voltage-driven power semiconductor device composed of a bipolar transistor (BJT) and an insulated gate field effect transistor (MOSFET). It has both the high input impedance of MOSFET and GTR. two advantages of low turn-on voltage drop. In electronic circuits, IGBT is equivalent to a switch in electronic circuits, and is a semiconductor device driven by high power, high current and high withstand voltage.
Next, it mainly focuses on the composition and structure of the rectifier-side IGBT components, inverter-side IGBT components, IGBT modules, and IGBT module drive circuit boards for wind turbine inverters.
1. The rectifier-side IGBT components for wind turbine inverters and the inverter-side IGBT components are very similar in structure. They are both driven by IGBT modules, circuit boards, several IGBT modules for wind turbine inverters, protection circuits, radiators, electrolysis Components such as capacitors are assembled together.
2. IGBT modules for wind turbine inverters are usually composed of several thyristor modules (thyristors) and an adapter circuit board (adapter board). The adapter circuit board is usually composed of diodes, resistors, circuit connection sockets and other discrete electronic components welded on a printed circuit board, and its function is to connect with the IGBT module drive circuit board.
3. The IGBT module drive circuit board for wind turbine inverter is usually composed of integrated circuits, transistors, capacitors, inductors, circuit connection sockets and other discrete electronic components welded on a printed circuit board, and can be installed with optical fiber interfaces or metal casing.
The rectifier side IGBT components used in the wind turbine inverter and the direct parent equipment using the inverter side IGBT components are both wind turbine inverters. The direct parent equipment of the IGBT module and the IGBT module drive circuit board for the wind turbine inverter is the rectifier side IGBT component or the inverter side IGBT component for the wind turbine inverter.
Both the wind turbine inverter and the wind turbine are part of the wind turbine. In the wind generator set, the wind generator frequency converter is connected between the wind generator and the power grid, and the AC power output by the wind generator is rectified and inverted by the wind generator frequency converter and then input to the grid.
The main function of the wind turbine frequency converter is to rectify the variable current output by the wind turbine into direct current, and then invert it into alternating current required by the composite power grid with parameters such as amplitude and frequency, and input it into the power grid.
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