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The strategic cooperation signing ceremony between Qingdao Jianen Semiconductor Co., Ltd. and Xidian University was a complete success!


The strategic cooperation signing ceremony between Qingdao Jianen Semiconductor Co., Ltd. and Xidian University was a complete success

On May 28, the strategic cooperation signing ceremony between Qingdao Jianen Semiconductor Co., Ltd. and Xidian University was grandly held in Qingdao. 

The guests attending the signing ceremony included leaders of Chengyang District Science and Technology Bureau, leaders of Chengyang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau and Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Comprehensive Bonded Zone Management Committee, who witnessed this historic moment together. Professor Mao of Xidian University and Mr. Wang Pilong, General Manager of Qingdao Jianen Semiconductor Co., Ltd. signed the strategic cooperation agreement, marking that the cooperation between the two parties has entered a new stage. This is a milestone event for both parties.

Jianensemi has been committed to the design, development, manufacturing and sales of high-end semiconductor power devices. As a new generation of power semiconductor design company, Jianen hasmastered innovative power semiconductor core technology, and has independent intellectual property rights and independent brands. At this signing ceremony, the two parties jointly studied and carried out GAN (gallium nitride) power device structure design and characteristic simulation, obtained device optimized structure and parameters, carried out device core process experimental research, process parameter optimization and device sample development based on the gallium nitride device manufacturing platform, carried out device simulation research based on the characteristics of gallium nitride power devices, revealed the intrinsic relationship between device characteristics and structure, and carried out core process research such as gate structure and gate metal, ohmic contact, passivation layer of gallium nitride power devices. This strong alliance is a key step for Jianen Semiconductor to carry out power device research and development.

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